

listen to soul45 music

bert bevans & nermin ft.ayaah - let love roftd mix

Producer: soul45 show products
Created by: Super User

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soul45/waking monster soul45-001 WMM-S45001


First released on the promo label, Soul45, this track made its way into lucky and discriminating record crates from the UK, Europe, and South Africa to the US. But only limited pressings were available until now when we take it into the digital market and let it loose on all lovers of quality, vocal house. Ayaah is at her soulful, sultry best, as usual. Nermin and Rulers Of The Deep hit us off with a variety of flavors to hit whatever spot that is in need. Produced by Nermin Remix by Rulers Of The Deep writers: Nermin Hodzic, Alexandra Zischg publisher: Jamlure International (BMI)

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